Work smarter with integrations.
Participate leverages Zapier to integrate with various applications and tools.
Zapier is a free automation software that moves information between web applications automatically, so that you can seamlessly connect.
Why Zapier?
It's free and easy to set up.
Create streamlined processes with applications you already use and rely on.
Stay up-to-date with the happenings of your community.
Collect data in a way that’s intuitive to your organization’s goals.
How it Works
Step 1.
Participate community admins can connect data from their community to various apps on the Zapier marketplace. As a community admin, you can trigger an action for the following events within your community:
- A new member joins your community.
- A user enrolls in a course.
- A user in your community updates coursework.
Step 2.
Once you determine a trigger, you can select the application and action you’d like to occur. Some Zaps could include:
- Sending personalized emails when members join your community.
- Setting up paid community access and membership to your CoP.
- Adding users to a Google Sheet when they enroll in a course to track community enrollments.
- Receiving a Slack notification when users update coursework.